Thursday, March 26, 2009

i LOVE a bargain!

Woo hoo~!!! the 3 dresses i ordered have arrived! it's a bargain! even their website says so! :) spent $70 for 3 dresses! + it's free shipping till 3rd April. As i'm too lazy to take the pics i'll just copy it from their website!




aren't they gorgeous?

Also... I am going to have nightmares now! I took Dennis' advice and bought the 2009 calorie, fat & carbohydrate counter book. Gosh,.. did you know that ONE original recipe chicken breast from KFC is 250 calories? OMG! I was at gym this morning and that 250 calories was approximately 30 minutes on the threadmill doing a combination of walking and running!


But i guess it's good that i am aware of what i'm putting in my mouth from now on! Thanks Dennis! ;)

♥ denice