OH GUYS, DO ANSWER THE POLL ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THIS BLOG! :D THANKS SO MUCH!!.. DO IT OKAY! :) it'll only freaking take less than 1min of your life! :D[/edit]
it's me again. are you bored yet? .. anyways, now i shall post cute pictures of my dog back in Brunei. MATTRIX FOO! i miss him so so much. i hope he's doing well :) .. my mom says he's grown fatter. which is kinda weird! ah anyways. let's get on with the pictures.
oh , my sister's currently weaving & you'll get to see the finished product if she successfully achieves what she's doing! ;)
aww, cute innit? :D that's an ikea basket
:D snort. he was lying down, probably sleeping and i disturbed him :P
aww, he looks like he's crying. maybe cos he know i was going to leave for Aussie! :P
so smooth his furrr. :)
> playing with his toy yet again from ikea, i bought it for me actually but in the end gave it to him since he loved it so muuchh. lol
sleeping on the coach. oh you spoiled brat. 
aww, he looks really sad!.. :(
hehe. squeezing his way to get into the house. :P

yes, that's the end of it.. OR NOT... are you getting sick of looking at him yet? you better not be!..

okay, thts the last of it :D more pics next time? :D heee! and last but not least ofcourse!
i love how everyone looks so freaking happy! :)and oh my gooddddddddd, this post took me freaking ages to post because blogger's being shit. so freaking sloowww to upload pictures! -_- yeaaaaaaa, thats about it. oh, and if you've got any questions/yadayada, whatever. just comment @ the bottom of the post :) tq!
♥ sheryl.