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yes. a blog. yeap. always wanted to start one for all you readers to read(wtf) .. anyway. its pretty much up & running. and, hopefully - we'll blog atleast 4 times a week? or 3. :)
yea, drawn by the other blogger, DENICE. with.... eyeliner. becauseeeeeee...... ya, because lah. :)FUNNY ADORABLE THINGS OUR CAT DOES. only about less than 10 here, but there are more! TO BE CONTINUED LOR.
ONE. crossed..... hands? resting on my sister's leg. know how to relax also ah..
YOGA POSE. she know how to exercise to keep fit lor. ;)
if you ZOOM this picture. just click on it la obviously, then you can actually see her sticking her tongue out ;)
ehh, i also dont know what she doing lor. but funny right? her head like 360 degress turn. to smell her assss. just kidding. :)
covering her eyes, because she wants to sleep and the light was really bright.
tilt your head bah. :) er, she... resting her head on something. like human ar, maybe need to get her a pillow.
ZOMBIE............ *runs* .. wtf. err, yea......yeap. thts about it.. nothing else that's on my mind now to blog about. :)
♥ sheryl.